Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Second Coming - Hot Topic

The Second Coming by Thomas Puttrich captures the essence of a great mystery and turned it into a thrilling work of Christian Fiction.  Film makers around the world are focusing on 'The Rapture' and End of Days storylines, drawing from prophesy to explain what the world is headed for.  Author T. Puttrich has envisioned a plausible story with realistic characters and an adventurous plot.  This is not to be missed.

Was the Mayan calendar wrong? What happened to the prophecies of Nostradamus and the future events foretold by many seers from the Hopi Indians to the Chinese? There is only one man who knows the answer for his discovery in the Yucat'n, which begins his worldwide journey to prove what he has known for a year: the second coming of Christ has happened! Father Jonathan DeShays' quest begins when his discovery of a rare trinity symbol on the steps of a Mayan temple matches the blood pattern on a torn piece of Christ's burial shroud. He meets three others who felt their own destinies are tied to his discovery. Together, the four men trek through Europe searching for more answers and find that the unique trinity symbol is now more prevalent than ever.

Amazon Paperback
This title is also available from Tate Publishing as a digital download, and also featured on - stop by and take a look at dozens of hot new releases by up-and-coming Indie Authors.

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